Welcome to the homepage of the research group on Nonlinear Dynamics, Nonlinear Optics and Lasers (DONLL).
Our reserach Group belongs to the Department of Physics of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalonia (UPC). We are located in Gaia research building, in the Campus of Terrassa (Rambla Sant Nebridi 22, Terrassa).
The general goal of our group is to study the nature, effects and, as far as possible, technological applications of nonlinear phenomena in the fields of photonics, complex systems and biophysics.
In the case of photonics, special emphasis is put on structured materials, in particular photonic crystals and gain/loss modultated media and lasers, as well as on semiconductor laser dynamics and ultra-short pulse interactions and diagnostics.
In the case of complex systems, we study complex networks (fundamentals and applications) and fracture dynamics in materials.
Finally, in the case of biophysics, attention is paid to neural excitability as well as to mesoscopic modelling of brain.
Fifth edition of the biannual conference Ultrafast Science & Technology Spain 2024 (USTS2024) takes place in Sitges (Barcelona) from 6th to 8th of November 2024.
Ultrafast Science & Technology Spain 2024 (USTS2024) -
To welcome the summer, the group went to make a rice.
Summer Arros -
Seminar in recognition of the scientific career of Prof. Ramon Vilaseca
Seminari en reconeixement de la trajectòria científica del Prof. Ramon Vilaseca (17/06) -
New article by Prof. Cristina Masoller in Diari de Terrassa
Tot navegant la complexitat