




19/06/2024 12:00h

Ana Amador
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Low dimensional neural dynamics underlying the generation of rhythmic vocal behavior in canaries
17/06/2024 12:00h

Ramon Vilaseca
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Can a simple light beam (in the form of a monochromatic travelling wave, or standing wave) make an atom to move?: Bright history (with Nobel Prizes) and... still not fully explored "
04/02/2024 12:00h

Sebastian Goncalvez
Universidad de Porto Alegre, Brazil

21/02/2024 12:00h

Prof. Celia Anteneodo
Pontificia Universidad Catolica -PUC Rio, Brazil)

Interplay between adaptive awareness and epidemic spreading
14/02/2024 12:00h

Prof. Meritxell Vilaseca
CD6 Terrassa

Multispectral imaging: Applications in industry, medicine and precision agriculture
07/02/2024 12:00h

Dr. Hossam Selim
Schneider Electric

Post-PhD Pursuits: A Narrative of Career Growth and Discovery
31/01/2024 12:00h

Maria Guasch

Whole brain model personalization for tES protocols
24/01/2024 12:00h

Prof. Josep Perello

"Citizen science: Experiences and learnings from human behaviour and human mobility experiments"
17/01/2024 12:00h

Dr. Daniel Oro
CSIC Blanes

"From simple, invariant behaviour to complex social populations"
08/11/2023 12:00h Prof. Stefan Luther
Max Planck Institute
"Nonlinear Dynamics of the Heart: Cardiac Imaging and Control"
28/06/2023 12:00h

Dr. Andres Aragoneses
Whitman College, USA

"Approximate dynamic symmetries as a tool to characterize chaos" 
31/05/2023 12:00h Prof. Jordi Soriano
Universitat de Barcelona
"The fascinating world of in vitro neuronal cultures: complex networks, engineering, and biological computation"
03/05/2023 12:00h Dr. Jordi Tiana
Universitat de Barcelona
"Live-cell optical nanoscopy: production, optical characterization and validation of Laguerre-Gaussian (donut) beams for parallel super-resolution microscopy"
21/12/2022 15:00h

Dr. Rafael Lopes
Instituto Todos pela Saúde, Brasil

"Dengue dynamics under climate drivers"
21/09/2022 12:00h

Dr. Maria Masoliver
University of Calgary, Canada

"Embedded Chimeras in Recurrent Neuronal Networks"
07/09/2022 12:00h

Prof. Ulrike Feudel
University Oldenburg, Germany

"Tipping phenomena and resilience of complex systems: Theory and applications"
28/02/2019 11:00h

Dr. Aneta Stefanovska
Lancaster University, UK

"Ways of coping with open systems"

11/02/2019 16:30h

Dr. Markus Abel
Potsdam University, Ambrosys and 4Cast GmbH, Germany

"Explainable Machine Learning Control -- robust control and stability analysis"

14/10/2019 15:30h

Prof. Cristian Focsa
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules (PhLAM), Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Lasers et Applications (CERLA), Université de Lille, France

"Laser Ablation: Fundamentals and Applications in Environment, Medicine and Materials Science"

10/09/2019 12:00h

Prof. Jerome Moloney
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, USA

"Ultrafast Carrier Interactions in Semiconductors and Gases: From Mode-locking in Semiconductor Disk Lasers to Kerr nonlinearity suppression in the Atmosphere"

22/05/2019 12:00h

Dr. Jordi Zamora-Munt
Freelance Data Scientist

"Data Science from the prism of a Physicist"

15/05/2019 12:00h

Dr. Roger Guimerà
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona

"Using graphs and statistical physics to build a Bayesian machine scientist"

03/04/2019 12:00h

Dr. Emilio Hernandez Garcia
Institut of Complex Systems, Mallorca

"Fairy circles under the sea: Pattern formation in meadows of marine plants"

14/12/2018 12:00h

Dr. Michael Scalora
US Army, Redstone Arsenal, United States

"Reevaluation of radiation reaction and consequences for light-matter interactions at nanoscale"

13/12/2018 14:00h 18:00h

Dr. Susan Frekko
Independent Writing and Research Support Specialist, Barcelona

"Training session on oral presentation skills for PhD students"

19/11/2018 12:00h

Prof. Hui Cao
Dept. of Applied Physics, Yale University, United States

"Spatial coherence properties of complex lasers"

11/07/2018 10:00h

Dr. Mangirdas Malinauskas
Vilnius University, Lithuania

"Ultrafast laser 3D mesoscale lithography: fundamentals, technology and applications"

03/05/2018 12:00h

Dr. Nicolas Bonod
Aix-Marseille University and Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Marseille, France

"Resonant photonics with all-dielectric nanostructures"

18/04/2018 10:30h

Prof. Miguel Alonso
ECM, Institute Fresnel, Marseille, France.

"Spatially-varying birefringence and its applications in imaging"

16/04/2018 16:30h

Prof. Anatole Lupu
University Paris-Sud, Institut d'Electronique, France.

"PT-Symmetry applications"

29/01/2018 16:30h

Michael Scalora
Charles M. Bowden Research Facility, Redstone Arsenal, USA.

"The Role of a Discontinuous Free-Electron Density in Harmonic Generation from Metal Surfaces"

26/01/2018 10:30 14:30

Dr. Susan Frekko
Independent Writing and Research Support Specialist, Barcelona

"English skills for scientific writting"

15/03/2017 13h

Yanhua Hong
Bangor University, Wales, U.K.

"Research on chaos dynamics of semiconductor lasers in Bangor University"

13/03/2017 13h

Osvaldo Rosso
Universidad Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, Brasil.

"Generalized statistical complexity measure: a new tool for dynamical systems and its application to handwritten signature classification"

13/02/2017 12h

Prof. Dr. Fedor Mitschke
Universität Rostock, Germany

"Optical telecommunications at the limit: Can soliton molecules help?"

07/02/2017 13h

Dr. Annette Witt

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization, Germany

"Correlation and clustering of extereme events with application to data from geosciences and and from cardiology"

16/12/2016 12h

Dr. Giulio Tirabassi

Guy Carpenter, Dublin

"Performance Assessment of Natural Catastrophe Models"

30/11/2016 12:30h

Prof. Ingo Fischer

IFISC, Mallorca

"Complex Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers
with State-Dependent Delay"

10/10/2016 12h

Prof. David S. Citrin

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

"Voltage Detection of the Nonlinear Dynamics of External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers: Physics and Applications"
13/5/2015 13h Dr. Javier Buldu
UPM & URJC, Madrid
"Let’s get connected (a network’s perspective)"
15/04/2015 13h Dr. Jaime de la Rocha
IDIBAPS, Barcelona
"The neural circuit dynamics of perceptual decision making"
08/04/2015 11h Dr. Harald Riegel
Aalen University, Germany
"Laser Material Processing"
25/03/2015 13h Dr. Sergio Alonso
Applied Physics Dept. UPC
"Percolation threshold of regular grids and relation with ectopic beats generated by reentry in fibrotic cardiac tissue"
25/02/2015 13h Prof. Emilio Hernandez-Garcia
"Lyapunov exponents in the sea: on the impact of ocean transport on biological dynamics"
25/02/2015 10h Dr. Vitto Roppo
"Presentation of OptoSigma Europe"
4/02/2015 13h Prof. Albert Diaz Guilera
Universitat de Barcelona

"Dynamics in Multiplex Networks"
29/01/2014 16:15h Dr. Jan Schaefer
Toptica Photonics Company, Germany
"Tunable Diode & Ultrafast Fiber Lasers. Next generation"
19/12/2014 12h Prof. Wieslaw Krolikowski
Australian National University
"Structured light - new paradigm in photonics"
20/11/2014 12h Dr. Mindaugas Radziunas
WIAS Berlin, Germany
"Modeling and simulations of beam quality improvement in broad area semiconductor devices"
22/09/2014 12:30 Prof. Pi-Gang Luan
Central University of Taiwan
"The physics of metamaterials"
18/09/2014 15h Dr. Sandro Perrone
University of Leicester
U. K.
"Neuronal firings in multi electrodes arrays using an in vitro model of Huntington Disease"
05/09/2014 13h Dr. Yanhua Hong
Bangor University
Wales, U. K.
"Nonlinear Dynamics in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers: Chaos and Bistability"
02/07/2014 13h Dr. Hamza Kurt
University of Ankara
"Synthetic photonic media with low and high symmetries"
08/04/2014 13h Dr. Massimo Cencini
Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi,
CNR Rome, Italy
"Gyrotactic phytoplankton swimming in turbulent flows"
27/02/2014 13h Dr. Ulrich Parlitz
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Germany
"State and parameter estimation in nonlinear modelling"
14/02/2014 13h Dr. Mario Chavez
CNRS, France
"The impact of brain network's symmetries on neural synchronization"
6/11/2013 13h Dr. Arturo Marti
Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay
"Experimental study of multiestability in a time-delayed electronic Mackey-Glass circuit"
2/10/2013 13h Dr. Jörn Davidsen
University of Calgary, Canada
"Extreme events in nature: From solar flares to earthquakes"
28/06/2013 12h Dr. Rama Raj
Laboratoire de Photonique et de Nanostructures, CNRS, Paris, Fracne

"The marvels of hybrid III-V/SOI nanophotonic platform and photonic crystals"

21/05/2013 12.30h Dr. Yan Sheng
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
"Optical frequency conversion in nonlinear photonic crystals"
18/04/2013 15h Dr. Alvaro Corral
CRM, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
"Criticality and Self-organization: from the Ground to the Air"
17/04/2013 15h Nicolas Rubido
The University of Abeerdeen, UK
"Structure and function in flow networks"
07/03/2013 15h Dr. Andrey Shilnikov
Neuroscience Institute and Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA)
"Principle bifurcations of bursting phase-locked polyrhythms in three-cell networks"
12/02/2013 13h Dr. Jordi Mompart
Departament de Física, Universitat Autónima de Barcelona
"The Physics Nobel Price 2012: observation and manipulation of individual quantum systems"