Dario Zappalà and Maria Masoliver poster award at FisEs'18
We have the pleasure to host Prof. Hui Cao that is a well known expert in laser physics. She will visit us on monday 19 of november and will give a seminar at 12 hs. Please save the date. Our students working in laser-related problems might want to spend some time with her discussing ongoing work.
Carlos Quintero-Quiroz, Carme Torrent, and Cristina Masoller showed that a scalar variable method draws analogies between some systems dealing with space and time.
Dr. Mangirdas Malinauskas from Vilnius University, Lithuania, will give a seminar
Dario Zappalà and Cristina Masoller used Hilbert analysis to quantify the changes in surface air temperature dynamics.
Jornades de la llum 16 de maig de 2018 a les 18.30h, IEC-SCF
Prof. Nicolas Bonod from Aix-Marseille University and Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Marseille, France, will give a seminar for our group.
Waqas Ahmed defended his PhD thesis on Light management in non-hermitian systems
Prof. Anatole Lupu from University Paris-Sud, Institut d'Electronique , France, will give an informal seminar for our group.