Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers: Modulation, Transient Dynamics and Synchronization

Nov 07, 2016

Jordi Zamora-Munt, Presentation date: June 21, 2011

Author: Jordi Zamora-Munt
Title: Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers: Modulation, Transient Dynamics and Synchronization
Director: C. Masoller and J. García-Ojalvo.
Presentation date: June 21, 2011
Link to text:

Abstract: This thesis is a contribution to the understanding of how stochastic and nonlinear phenomena in semiconductor lasers influences information processing and synchronization in these devices. The technological importance of
semiconductor lasers and their rich variety of nonlinear dynamics have been the main motivation of our research.
The interplay between deterministic nonlinear dynamics and stochastic dynamics has been analyzed with the aim of exploiting the constructive effects that appear combining these two ingredients. The interplay of deterministic nonlinear dynamics,current modulation and noise leads to phenomena such as low frequency fluctuations,stochastic and coherent resonances, excitability and synchronization. Noise is unavoidable in nature and is specially relevant in semiconductor lasers where random fluctuations due to the spontaneous emission are usually considered a drawback but, on the other hand, without noise a laser can not turn-on. A main point of this Thesis has been to demonstrate that the combination of noise and non-linearities can be exploited for innovative applications of semiconductor lasers.